

A practical characteristic of the Kingdom as it is heaven so also may it come in and through your own life on earth

Dependability is defined by Webster as “the quality of being dependable, reliable or trustworthy”.  The Bible word which reveals this character trait is “faithfulness”.

The Psalmist used this word 14 times to describe the nature of God (Psalm 5:9; 36:5; 40:10; 88:11; 89:1, 2, 5, 8, 24, 33; 92:2; 119:75, 90; 143:1).

It is the Hebrew word #530 in Strong’s Concordance and means “firmness, security, fidelity, stability; truly or truth”.

The Greek word for “faithful” is #4103 and same Greek root word as does the word “faith”  keep in mind that one of the fruit of the Spirit is “faith” as given in Galatians 5:22-23.

So we see that dependability is an attribute of God Himself!

[DDET (expand full article)]

How good is your word?

Friend, can you be counted on?  How firm is your word?  When you make a promise to your friend, college, parent or teacher etc; are you trustworthy to keep your word at any cost?  There was a man in the Bible by the name of Jephthah.  He was one of the judges and is mentioned in Judges 11 -12.  His story is an interesting one.  As your read it, learn that he swore (made an oath or promise) to his own hurt (Psalm 15:4).

Are you an asset or a liability?

Are you a burden or a blessing?  When there is work to be done, or when your help is needed, what is your attitude?  If you are a young person, when it’s your turn to do the dishes, or clean your room, or take care of your younger brother or sister, what comes into your mind and what comes out of your mouth? The same goes for older and more mature folk, how do you approach tasks of servitude? Murmuring or complaining or with a bad attitude, are you maybe just too BIG in your own opinion to do the task, do you see the task through to completion, are you quick to respond to the aid of others? (Proverbs 6:2; Matthew 12:37; Ephesians 4:28-32).

God has given the example of Himself in regard to dependability.

His Word is sure.  You can count on the Lord to be there when you need him (Philippians 4:19).  The purpose of God for your life is to conform you to His own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26; Romans 8:29).  Do you want to be like Him?  Then in your words and your works, your acts and your deeds, you must prove yourself to be faithful (I Corinthians 4:2).  You owe it to yourself and every person in your life to be like the Lord Jesus in this area (II Timothy 2:13)!

The father of those who walk and live by faith is called “Faithful Abraham” in Galatians 3:9?  Compare Matthew 25:23; Acts 16:15; I Corinthians 4:17; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 1:2, 7; 4:7, 9; II Timothy 2:2; Hebrews 2:17; 3:2, 5; I Peter 5:12; Revelation 2:13.

Abraham was full of faith – so he pleased God (Hebrews 11:6)!  He walked or lived by faith.  It is not enough to be dependable once in a while or when you want something; don’t try to impress others with your reliability.  Dependability has more to do with your attitude than it does with your acts.  You are either trustworthy, or you are not!

For example; how faithful are you in sharing with other people your testimony, about the Lord and His goodness to you?  Jesus Himself is called the faithful witness in Revelation 1:5.  Have you ever led someone else to the Lord?  Do you know the joy of being a soul winner?  Do others your age or who work or socialize in your school or work circles know that you are a Christian and are not ashamed to share your faith?

How many promises have you made to your family or a friend about changing your attitudes and actions in certain areas?  You know what sin is.  No one has to stand up and preach to you or stand over you and remind you.  Do you want to change?  Then be dependable and do what you have to do to adjust to your lifestyle.

Do you understand that a faithful God has called and invited you unto Himself?

(I Thessalonians 5:24)?  The same God will enable you and count you faithful for the ministry that He has for your life (I Timothy 1:12).  Every Christian has a place and a responsibility to fill in the Body of Christ (John 14:2; I Corinthians 12:18).

You will never be happy serving yourself.

True satisfaction or gratification only comes as we learn the love of God by laying down our lives for other people.

You can count on God.  Can He count on you?

You can count on your pastor.  Can he count on you?

You can count on your parents?  Can they count on you?

Stand up and make a decision and ask the Lord to help you, He is faithful, to be different in your dependability!

Here are some thoughts you could make your own meditations:

How reliable is my word?

Do I have a reputation of dependability?

How has the Lord kept His Word to me?

With how much can I be trusted?  Why?

This is but one of the many areas of our lives that we need to address in our everyday life’s arena today in order to see the reign of Christ revealed in a very practical way. It is only as far away as your decision  to walk in fellowship with Him and the Holy Spirit who will help, guide and teach you.     Trevor
