

 Enthusiasm is defined by Webster as “to be inspired, to be possessed by a god, to inspire (from EN = “in” and THEOS = “god”); originally, supernatural inspiration or possession; inspired prophetic or poetic ecstasy; intense or eager interest; zeal, fervour or something arousing such interest”.

The Bible word to be compared here is “inspiration’.

The Hebrew meaning of this word used in Job 32:8 (#5397) is “a puff, wind, breath, divined inspiration”.  See Job 26:4 and Proverbs 20:27 (“spirit”).  See also Genesis 2:7; 7:22; Isaiah 2:22 and Psalm 18:15.

The Greek word used in 2 Timothy 3:16 is “theopneustos” (#2315) and means “divinely breathed in; God-breathed”.

It is evident that the principle of enthusiasm is to be understood in the light of the truth concerning the Holy Spirit, which is the wind and the breath of God (Psalm 148:8; John 3:8; Acts 2:1-4).

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Friend, by what spirit are you inspired?  There are but three major spirits in the universe: God (John 4:23-24), or man (1 Corinthians 2:11) or the devil (Ephesians 2:1-3).

You are being energized by one of these three spirits.

Do you understand that the basis of the New Testament is the blood, the water and the spirit? (1 John 5:8)

  • Have you been born again “Born from above” and cleansed by Jesus’ blood?
  • Have you been baptized into Christ and in water?
  • Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

When you receive Jesus as your Saviour, your spirit is resurrected from spiritual death and passes from death to life (as in John 5:24; 1 Peter 2:9-10; Colossians 1:12-13).

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:17-18) in Pentecostal power, you will really begin to know and understand the meaning of enthusiasm.

When I see a person young or old, who is always bored and is always looking for something to “excite” him, I want to tell him that what he really needs is to be filled with the Holy Ghost!

Life without Jesus stinks.  It is rotten.  Do you know how I can say that?  Because our King showed us in Matthew 5:13-16 that Christians are like salt which purifies and preserves!

What excites you?  If you’re a young person. A few years from now, you will be married.  Learn now that marriage is for more than physical union.  You must be joined to that special person in the realm of the soul (mind) and spirit.  Life does not consist in the abundance of the things which a man possesses (Luke 12:P15).

Your enthusiasm over a new car or a new dress will soon wear off.  The excitement of the “Christmas Spirit” is worldly because it won’t last.  The things that money can buy may bring a good feeling for a season, but they won’t inspire you for life!  You need to be filled with the Word of God!

The enthusiasm of God was breathed into every verse of the Bible.  It’s yours if you want it.  But you’ll never understand the Bible with your intellect or natural understanding (1 Corinthians 2:9-16).  Only the Holy Spirit can guide you into all truth (John 14:24; 15:26 and 16:13).  Now that’s exciting!

Whatever you are excited and enthused about in life is your God.  Be it sex, or sports, or rock music, or the love of money in the kingdom of darkness; OR the Word of God, the Holy Ghost, prayer and worship and a love of the Scriptures in the realm of theKingdom ofGod.

I’m not your judge or jury.  Take your own temperature.  Whatever excites you and turns you on is your God.  It is such a thrill to see so many people, young and old, all around the world getting on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Why don’t you wise up and join them?  This thrill-seeking generation is headed for sudden destruction.  Thank God for those who are seeking the Father as He seeks for them (John 43:23-24).

But some of you young folk might say, “ Trevor, I want to have a good time!”  Young man/young lady, I pity you.

You have yet to discover what real joy is.  You were programmed to live and not die.  When your human spirit is energized by God’s Holy Spirit, the enthusiasm and excitement for life lived as God meant it to be lived will be your portion.

Are you really happy?

Don’t wait for somebody else to lead you astray. Be different in your enthusiasm!  Serving Jesus is exciting!

Some questions you may want to meditate on:

  • What excites me the most in life?
  • Am I always looking for a new thrill?
  • Have I been filled with the Holy Ghost?

Jesus said: For as many that believe in Me, for as many that receive Me, will be empowered, regenerated by the Holy Spirit to be true sons/ children of God”.

So why don’t you invite Him to take His rightful place in your life, as not only your Saviour but as your Lord. Not only invite Him into your life but ask Him for the Holy Spirit and receive the baptism of His Holy Spirit.

He desire is to have you as His child, so that He may come and make His Home in you and teach you how to live His type of life on earth. The Father wants all of us to experience true family as He, our creator intended. His desire is that we know what a real Father is like and hoe He treats His children.

He “Jesus” finished the work and did everything for you, you are already forgiven and loved. All you need to do is receive His amazing love and grace He has already shown toward you.

Sounds almost too good to be true. But that’s how much He already loves you.

“You might even read this and ask, how do I do this? Just talk to Him right now and receive Him by your personal invitation. Let your enthusiasm to receive Him, meet His enthusiasm to Have you as His Child”.

And Please, take the opportunity to email me and let me know if you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. I would also really be honoured to help you in any way I can in order to assist you in your growth toward Knowing Him and discovering His victorious way of life in your daily walk.

Bless you, Trevor
